Chapter 21: Evermore.
“The stag, her fable, lectured on bent ear. The blood eagle erodes from the burden’s year This glow, this orb of radiance is evermore. Evermore, within a climbing sun, evermore shallow on the forest shore. Decadence once reined this heart, this whore! For one more night under the echo and shimmers, this hunt still remains hunted and overgrown once more.” Shane Pendley
“The stag, her fable, lectured on bent ear"
Acrylic on wood panel 20” x 20”
“The blood eagle erodes from the burden’s year”
Acrylic on wood panel 20” x 20”
“This glow, this orb of radiance is evermore”
Acrylic on wood panel 20” x 20”
“Evermore, within a climbing sun”
acrylic on wood panel 20” x 20”
“Evermore shallow on the forest shore”
Acrylic on wood panel 20” x 20”
“Decadence once reined this heart, this whore”
Acrylic on wood panel 20” x 20”
“For one more night under the echo and shimmers”
Acrylic on wood panel 20” x 20”
“This hunt still remains hunted and overgrown once more”
Acrylic on wood panel 20” x 20”